среда, 17 июля 2013 г.

Good idea of business

Good idea of business


The small introduction how I came to this idea business.

Good idea of business

When the skin disease was found in my daughter and I called in local policlinic, to us the district police officer (because my daughter doesn't go) home came, photographed our skin problems on the mobile phone, then, having returned to policlinic, showed photos to the local dermatologist. That according to photos made the diagnosis and wrote out the recipe. And all.

That is at the dermatologist it is possible to be treated and without visiting him. Simply according to the photo from the mobile phone (!) .

I gave only small slice of all search inquiries concerning treatment of something. If to consider all fan of the inquiries concerning human diseases, these inquiries not less than one million will be gained.

On such search inquiries, by the way, earn the mass of sites. One simply copy information from medical literature and earn on tizerny advertizing. Others sell drugs for these or those diseases. The third type of sites are paid clinics which invite to itself to be treated.

I suggest more thorough and more human option of a startup - not to palm off on the reader blind reference information and drugs of the general action, and to suggest it to make at first the exact diagnosis, and then to offer a concrete way of treatment of its disease. Lips of the real doctor. At least the dermatologist who is capable to make the diagnosis according to the photo from the mobile phone.

And let it will be not treatment, and consultation (if suddenly there are questions with licensing).

On analogies to the businesses created on doctrines of Business youth, this idea it is easy to check.

It is enough to find one-two dermatologists, concordant to advise patients according to the photo (such you will find in any free policlinic or hospital), to create information page on pen.io, to pick up keywords for an advertizing campaign on Yandex. Директ (which will cost to you 300 rubles) - and to start actually advertizing campaign.

Questions and photos (and even video? ) patients I suggest to accept free of charge (here the most important - to hook on each potential client). And if your dermatologists on the presented materials have a ready recipe, then already to ask payment for consultation (rubles 500, for example).

If you think that the patient won't pay, you are mistaken. When the person gets sick, the question of recovery costs at it in the forefront. The quicker the person learns, the he can recover, the quicker he will be ready to pay. Let not through a plastic card, but at least via the payment terminal (which is practically in all shopping centers of all Russian cities).

(I after all ran in a drugstore behind medicine when to me phoned than to be treated. )

Here the main thing - all the time to be on communication and not to pass any patient (therefore it is desirable to involve not one dermatologist, and at least two).

When you will check operability of idea, it is possible to do more serious site already. With all frills (round-the-clock phone, chat, return call, customer reviews, articles, etc.) and services.

For example, to advise not only according to the photo, but also according to video (as it is done on a photo below by the Australian doctor-orthopedist):

Medical services at us are so underdeveloped that in this sphere I see simply huge field for fruitful activity.

And to people you will help, and you will earn.

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