среда, 17 июля 2013 г.

How to earn many money

How to earn many money


The large American companies Google and Mozilla for testing of the products invite volunteers and pay them notable remunerations for search of bugs in software products.

On the English-speaking Internet I met information that Russian Sergey Glazunov received from Google of 20 thousand dollars for search of vulnerabilities in recently created Chrome browser.

According to the link I found the page on which remunerations by everything to volunteers are written out:

How to earn many money

As you can see, Sergey Glazunov is a leader by quantity of the found bugs and number of the earned reward (if he received for the first revealed bug from Google of 500 dollars, for the last - 3133.7 dollars).

I attentively counted all figures of the remunerations paid to the talented programmer by Google, the sum was impressive - $44318.7.

By the way, in the Runet one called Sergey Glazunov the programmer, others - the hacker. I found information that he is a student 3 courses of Institute of mathematics and computer sciences of the Tyumen State University.

Here so the Russian students on the Internet can earn!

It isn't so obligatory to be the businessman or to buy courses of the Internet guru. It is enough to be the clever, competent expert (student) in the sphere of advanced technologies.

Why Google needs to invite people from outside?

1 . To receive the verified perfected product at the exit.

2 . Probably, searches of bugs by individuals manages to Google cheaper, than the experts.

3 . Such Google methods can quite look for for itself talented shots.

In any case, it is useful for all:
- also I Google (which now can be proud of the product),
- and participating in search of bugs to programmers (they will earn money and will get a name),
- and to the users receiving a qualitative product.

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