четверг, 18 июля 2013 г.

Business exhibitions

Business exhibitions


You still don't know on what to earn money? Presently it is elementary.

I will show you an example as it is possible to earn alone, at any age, with the minimum expenses (the truth, it is necessary to do a bit of traveling as to the circus actor, on the different cities, but earnings are guaranteed).

You remember, there went on the cities so-called zoos earlier? Which were wooden cages cars in which wild animals (probably pined, they and now go, but in our city don't stop by any more).

(The zoo is only the name. Actually it was simply the exhibition of live animals slaves. )

Troublesome business. Wild large animals are big expenses, big money for the contents, risk (suddenly someone from visitors of a zoo will push a hand in a cage to a bear? ) .

But today it is possible to arrange everything much more simply. Simply buy dolls of butterflies (them sell in a large number on the Internet, at the price of 35-150 rubles apiece), wait when butterflies will hatch in some days (for this purpose it is necessary to suspend each doll for a string the head down) - and arrange such "бабочкин a zoo", that is you can carry the butterflies for show, and take money for viewing.

(Farms of butterflies send the dolls, ready to hatch approximately in a week, 80% of butterflies hatch on the average, that is each live butterfly will cost to you 25 percent more expensively than the cost of a doll, that is 45-190 rubles. )

Such zoo arrived to us to the city the other day:

Business exhibitions

However, on the poster it was called "An exhibition of live tropical butterflies", but live butterflies there was percent 20 from total.

The exhibition bulk was destroyed, dried and pasted long ago to internal glass of a wooden frame (that is this single investment; one frame costs about 1000-3000 rubles):

Business exhibitions
"Exhibition" occupied the small room in the Youth center (meters 20-25).

And in fact it was possible to find room for it on 10 square meters. Framework with the dried butterflies stood inside (and over) the small shelf, on a table there were three shot glasses with apples (on which some butterflies sat):

Business exhibitions
All "excursion" borrowed minutes 20. The leader asked adults and children to whom what butterfly attracted, reported their names, how many days they live - and ALL!

Well, and still allowed to be photographed against butterflies:

Business exhibitions
The ticket for the adult cost 250 rubles, children's - 150 rubles. Family, which came with us on excursion (two adults and two children), I paid 800 rubles, we with the daughter passed at a discount - 300 rubles. Total "guide" earned 1100 rubles for work half an hour.

Certainly, she will pay still to the Youth center for room rent. But if to consider that the exhibition works from 10th morning to the 19th evening, and 6 visitors were not in rush hour (to rush hour can come people 2-4 times bigger), the profit of 10 thousand rubles for the working day is quite real.

I, of course, in such poor form not so approve business (I from an exhibition of live tropical butterflies expected a lot of bigger, at least bigger quantity of butterflies and more detailed story about them).

But for real experts and fans of butterflies who will conduct really interesting informative tour, will bring not only dead, half-dead (in dolls) and live butterflies, but also something else is more interesting, is a way to receive more or less worthy income.

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